( ! ) Warning: array_splice() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/applications/addona.application.website/includes/website_site_query.class.php on line 1155
Call Stack
10.0001404560{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0001405232require_once( '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/includes/ws_index.php ).../index.php:3
30.053544211232ws_runtime->get_page( $theme = class redteam_avant_theme { protected $variant = NULL; protected $setup = 'default'; protected $content = NULL; protected $styles = []; protected $scripts = []; protected $elements = ['ws_page_tag' => [...], 'ws_page_form_html_editor' => [...], 'ws_page_form_markdown_editor' => [...], 'ws_page_form_star_rating' => [...], 'ws_page_syntax_highlighter' => [...], 'ws_page_iframe' => [...], 'ws_page_sortable_list' => [...], 'ws_page_sortable_list_item' => [...], 'ws_page_nestable_list' => [...], 'ws_page_nestable_list_item' => [...], 'ws_page_sparkline' => [...], 'ws_page_sticky_notes' => [...], 'ws_page_sticky_note' => [...], 'ws_page_tree_chart' => [...], 'ws_page_tree_chart_item' => [...], 'ws_page_dropbox_chooser' => [...], 'ws_page_dropbox_saver' => [...], 'ws_page_google_map' => [...], 'ws_page_google_map_travel' => [...], 'ws_page_leaflet_map' => [...], 'ws_page_files_gallery' => [...], 'ws_page_multistep_indicator' => [...], 'ws_page_pie_chart' => [...], 'ws_page_bar_chart' => [...], 'ws_page_gantt_chart' => [...], 'ws_page_radar_chart' => [...], 'ws_page_images_gallery' => [...], 'ws_page_image_editor' => [...], 'ws_page_image_cropper' => [...], 'ws_page_video_player' => [...], 'ws_page_signature' => [...], 'ws_page_svg' => [...], 'ws_page_side_panel' => [...], 'ws_page_bottom_tab_bar' => [...], 'ws_page_bottom_tab_panel' => [...], 'ws_page_star_rating' => [...], 'ws_ajax_frame' => [...], 'ws_page_calendar' => [...], 'ws_page_resource_calendar' => [...], 'ws_page_pdf_viewer' => [...], 'ws_print_frame' => [...], 'ws_page_print_preview' => [...], 'ws_page_print_document' => [...], 'ws_page_print_page' => [...], 'ws_page_print_page_header' => [...], 'ws_page_print_page_content' => [...], 'ws_page_print_page_footer' => [...], 'ws_page_print_page_break' => [...], 'ws_page_grid' => [...], 'ws_page_row' => [...], 'ws_page_column' => [...], 'ws_page_form' => [...], 'ws_page_form_container' => [...], 'ws_page_form_row' => [...], 'ws_page_form_column' => [...], 'ws_page_form_items_section' => [...], 'ws_page_form_items_group' => [...], 'ws_page_form_items_bloc' => [...], 'ws_page_form_text' => [...], 'ws_page_form_image' => [...], 'ws_page_form_space' => [...], 'ws_page_form_hr' => [...], 'ws_page_form_section' => [...], 'ws_page_form_hidden' => [...], 'ws_page_form_static' => [...], 'ws_page_form_date_input' => [...], 'ws_page_form_time_input' => [...], 'ws_page_form_duration_input' => [...], 'ws_page_form_datetime_input' => [...], 'ws_page_form_color_input' => [...], 'ws_page_form_input' => [...], 'ws_page_form_text_editor' => [...], 'ws_page_form_source_editor' => [...], 'ws_page_form_checkboxes_group' => [...], 'ws_page_form_checkbox' => [...], 'ws_page_form_radiobuttons_group' => [...], 'ws_page_form_radiobutton' => [...], 'ws_page_form_toggle' => [...], 'ws_page_form_select' => [...], 'ws_page_form_icon_select' => [...], 'ws_page_form_image_select' => [...], 'ws_page_form_label_select' => [...], 'ws_page_form_uploadfile' => [...], 'ws_page_form_group' => [...], 'ws_page_form_group_column' => [...], 'ws_page_form_input_group' => [...], 'ws_page_form_tag_input' => [...], 'ws_page_form_search_input' => [...], 'ws_page_card' => [...], 'ws_page_events_list' => [...], 'ws_page_events_list_item' => [...], 'ws_page_frame' => [...], 'ws_page_tabs' => [...], 'ws_page_tab' => [...], 'ws_page_modal_box' => [...], 'ws_page_panel' => [...], 'ws_page_text' => [...], 'ws_page_label' => [...], 'ws_page_alert' => [...], 'ws_page_button' => [...], 'ws_page_toggle_switch' => [...], 'ws_page_buttons_group' => [...], 'ws_page_data_table' => [...], 'ws_page_small_icon' => [...], 'ws_page_image' => [...], 'ws_page_progress_bar' => [...], 'ws_page_fileloader' => [...], 'ws_page_tile' => [...], 'ws_page_editable_html' => [...], 'ws_page_editable_text' => [...], 'ws_page_checkbox' => [...], 'ws_page_select' => [...], 'ws_page_input' => [...], 'ws_page_integer_input' => [...], 'ws_page_date_input' => [...], 'ws_page_edit_text' => [...], 'ws_page_search_result_item' => [...], 'ws_page_chat_room_form_input' => [...], 'ws_page_chat_room_message' => [...], 'ws_page_properties_list' => [...], 'ws_page_properties_list_item' => [...], 'ws_page_accordion' => [...], 'ws_page_accordion_element' => [...], 'ws_page_sortable_elements' => [...], 'ws_page_sortable_elements_item' => [...], 'ws_page_todo_list' => [...], 'ws_page_todo_list_item' => [...], 'ws_page_tooltip' => [...], ...]; protected $z_index = NULL; protected $infos = ['identifier' => 'the_red_team.theme.avant', 'name' => 'Avant', 'path' => 'the_red_team.theme.avant', 'url' => 'avant', 'class' => 'redteam_avant_theme']; protected $context = class ws_context { protected $attached_to = class ws_context { ... }; protected $parent = class ws_context { ... }; protected $language = NULL; protected $package = ...; protected $module = NULL; protected $app = NULL; protected $ext = NULL; protected $page = NULL; protected $theme = NULL; protected $values = NULL; protected $context = ...; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... } }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { protected $emergency_reload = FALSE; protected $site_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix'; protected $site_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $site_name = 'Innomatix'; protected $htdocs_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/'; protected $htdocs_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $local = FALSE; protected $https = TRUE; protected $maintenance = FALSE; protected $server = NULL; protected $new_install = FALSE; protected $config = [...]; protected $dev = FALSE; protected $test = FALSE; protected $prod = NULL; protected $timezone = 'Europe/Paris'; protected $security_manager = class ws_security_manager { ... }; protected $security_shield = class ws_security_shield { ... }; protected $state = [...]; protected $customization_folder_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/customization/default'; protected $customization_infos = FALSE; protected $log_manager = NULL; protected $logs_folder_path = NULL; protected $logs_account_id = NULL; protected $logs_storage_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/logs/sql/2024-07-27.sql'; protected $logs_storage_comment = 'ACCOUNT 1'; protected $temp_files_manager = NULL; protected $temp_files_folder_path = NULL; protected $temp_files = NULL; protected $temp_folders = NULL; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $home_page_name = NULL; protected $backoffice_page = NULL; protected $backoffice_page_name = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $storage_context = NULL; protected $storage_extension = class ws_storage_main_extension { ... }; protected $storage_changes_logger = class ws_storage_changes_logger { ... }; protected $is_master_account = NULL; protected $master_account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $parent_account = NULL; protected $account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $has_subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $subsidiary_push = 1; protected $default_subsidiary_id = NULL; protected $profile = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $contact = NULL; protected $contact_can_connect = NULL; protected $guest_can_connect = NULL; protected $contact_linked_to_user = FALSE; protected $user_linked_to_contact = FALSE; protected $connected_user_infos_path = NULL; protected $single_sign_on_manager = NULL; protected $cached_data = [...]; protected $cache_manager = class ws_cache_manager { ... }; protected $query = class ws_query { ... }; protected $is_cron = FALSE; protected $session = class ws_session { ... }; protected $language = 'fr_FR'; protected $applications_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/applications/'; protected $applications = [...]; protected $app = NULL; protected $extensions_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/extensions/'; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $modules = [...]; protected $themes_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/themes/'; protected $themes_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com/themes/'; protected $themes = NULL; protected $theme = ...; protected $features = NULL; protected $features_sections = NULL; protected $needs = NULL; protected $needed_features = NULL; protected $is_admin_page = FALSE; protected $has_search_page = TRUE; protected $favicon_url = NULL; protected $services_manager = NULL; protected $services = NULL; protected $services_by_id = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service_data = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service_data = NULL; protected $enum_providers = NULL; protected $hooks = [...]; protected $shortcodes_templates = NULL; protected $current_region = NULL; protected $current_country = NULL; protected $current_gender = NULL; protected $files_manager = NULL; protected $public_files_manager = NULL; protected $api_manager = NULL; protected $stats_manager = NULL; protected $markdown_parser = NULL; protected $mailer = NULL; protected $email_templates_manager = NULL; protected $sms_sender = NULL; protected $credits_manager = NULL; protected $credit_wallet = NULL; protected $master_credit_wallet = NULL; protected $dissemination_manager = NULL; protected $actions_manager = NULL; protected $subscriptions_manager = NULL; protected $contacts_assets_manager = NULL; protected $tasks_manager = NULL; protected $automation_manager = NULL; protected $validation_manager = NULL; protected $process_manager = NULL; protected $object_process_manager = NULL; protected $queues_manager = NULL; protected $system_events_manager = NULL; protected $system_status_manager = NULL; protected $runtime = ...; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $html_generator = class rest_html_generator { ... }; protected $rest_runtime = class rest_runtime { ... }; protected $rest_storage = class rest_mysql_storage { ... }; protected $root_object = class rest_root_object { ... }; protected $listeners = NULL; protected $transaction = FALSE; protected $transaction_depth = 0; protected $transaction_rolled_back = FALSE; protected $debug = FALSE } }, $query = class ws_query { protected $method = 'GET'; protected $page = 'site/1/version/1/page/cart'; protected $path_items = [0 => 'site', 1 => '1', 2 => 'version', 3 => '1', 4 => 'page', 5 => 'cart']; protected $args = ['ws_page' => 'website/site/1/version/1/page/cart', 'ws_action' => 'remove_line_from_cart', 'ws_index' => '0']; protected $account = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $is_admin = FALSE; protected $admin_path_items = NULL; protected $module = class website_addona_application { protected $website = class website_site { ... }; protected $version = class website_site_version { ... }; protected $webpage = NULL; protected $templates = NULL; protected $headers = NULL; protected $current_page = NULL; protected $current_page_area = NULL; protected $current_page_element = NULL; protected $pages = FALSE; protected $callback_handlers = FALSE; protected $infos = [...]; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... } }; protected $module_path_id = 'website'; protected $is_cron = FALSE; protected $is_direct_link = FALSE; protected $is_api = FALSE; protected $is_callback = FALSE; protected $action = 'remove_line_from_cart'; protected $path = NULL; protected $object_id = NULL; protected $handled = NULL; protected $message = NULL; protected $message_type = NULL; protected $button = NULL; protected $link = NULL; protected $result = TRUE; protected $context = class ws_context { protected $attached_to = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $parent = NULL; protected $language = NULL; protected $package = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $app = NULL; protected $ext = NULL; protected $page = NULL; protected $theme = class redteam_avant_theme { ... }; protected $values = NULL; protected $context = ...; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... } }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { protected $emergency_reload = FALSE; protected $site_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix'; protected $site_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $site_name = 'Innomatix'; protected $htdocs_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/'; protected $htdocs_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $local = FALSE; protected $https = TRUE; protected $maintenance = FALSE; protected $server = NULL; protected $new_install = FALSE; protected $config = [...]; protected $dev = FALSE; protected $test = FALSE; protected $prod = NULL; protected $timezone = 'Europe/Paris'; protected $security_manager = class ws_security_manager { ... }; protected $security_shield = class ws_security_shield { ... }; protected $state = [...]; protected $customization_folder_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/customization/default'; protected $customization_infos = FALSE; protected $log_manager = NULL; protected $logs_folder_path = NULL; protected $logs_account_id = NULL; protected $logs_storage_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/logs/sql/2024-07-27.sql'; protected $logs_storage_comment = 'ACCOUNT 1'; protected $temp_files_manager = NULL; protected $temp_files_folder_path = NULL; protected $temp_files = NULL; protected $temp_folders = NULL; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $home_page_name = NULL; protected $backoffice_page = NULL; protected $backoffice_page_name = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $storage_context = NULL; protected $storage_extension = class ws_storage_main_extension { ... }; protected $storage_changes_logger = class ws_storage_changes_logger { ... }; protected $is_master_account = NULL; protected $master_account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $parent_account = NULL; protected $account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $has_subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $subsidiary_push = 1; protected $default_subsidiary_id = NULL; protected $profile = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $contact = NULL; protected $contact_can_connect = NULL; protected $guest_can_connect = NULL; protected $contact_linked_to_user = FALSE; protected $user_linked_to_contact = FALSE; protected $connected_user_infos_path = NULL; protected $single_sign_on_manager = NULL; protected $cached_data = [...]; protected $cache_manager = class ws_cache_manager { ... }; protected $query = ...; protected $is_cron = FALSE; protected $session = class ws_session { ... }; protected $language = 'fr_FR'; protected $applications_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/applications/'; protected $applications = [...]; protected $app = NULL; protected $extensions_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/extensions/'; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $modules = [...]; protected $themes_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/themes/'; protected $themes_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com/themes/'; protected $themes = NULL; protected $theme = class redteam_avant_theme { ... }; protected $features = NULL; protected $features_sections = NULL; protected $needs = NULL; protected $needed_features = NULL; protected $is_admin_page = FALSE; protected $has_search_page = TRUE; protected $favicon_url = NULL; protected $services_manager = NULL; protected $services = NULL; protected $services_by_id = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service_data = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service_data = NULL; protected $enum_providers = NULL; protected $hooks = [...]; protected $shortcodes_templates = NULL; protected $current_region = NULL; protected $current_country = NULL; protected $current_gender = NULL; protected $files_manager = NULL; protected $public_files_manager = NULL; protected $api_manager = NULL; protected $stats_manager = NULL; protected $markdown_parser = NULL; protected $mailer = NULL; protected $email_templates_manager = NULL; protected $sms_sender = NULL; protected $credits_manager = NULL; protected $credit_wallet = NULL; protected $master_credit_wallet = NULL; protected $dissemination_manager = NULL; protected $actions_manager = NULL; protected $subscriptions_manager = NULL; protected $contacts_assets_manager = NULL; protected $tasks_manager = NULL; protected $automation_manager = NULL; protected $validation_manager = NULL; protected $process_manager = NULL; protected $object_process_manager = NULL; protected $queues_manager = NULL; protected $system_events_manager = NULL; protected $system_status_manager = NULL; protected $runtime = ...; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $html_generator = class rest_html_generator { ... }; protected $rest_runtime = class rest_runtime { ... }; protected $rest_storage = class rest_mysql_storage { ... }; protected $root_object = class rest_root_object { ... }; protected $listeners = NULL; protected $transaction = FALSE; protected $transaction_depth = 0; protected $transaction_rolled_back = FALSE; protected $debug = FALSE } }, $debug = ??? ).../ws_index.php:93
40.053544211256ws_module->get_page( $query = class ws_query { protected $method = 'GET'; protected $page = 'site/1/version/1/page/cart'; protected $path_items = [0 => 'site', 1 => '1', 2 => 'version', 3 => '1', 4 => 'page', 5 => 'cart']; protected $args = ['ws_page' => 'website/site/1/version/1/page/cart', 'ws_action' => 'remove_line_from_cart', 'ws_index' => '0']; protected $account = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $is_admin = FALSE; protected $admin_path_items = NULL; protected $module = class website_addona_application { protected $website = class website_site { ... }; protected $version = class website_site_version { ... }; protected $webpage = NULL; protected $templates = NULL; protected $headers = NULL; protected $current_page = NULL; protected $current_page_area = NULL; protected $current_page_element = NULL; protected $pages = FALSE; protected $callback_handlers = FALSE; protected $infos = [...]; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... } }; protected $module_path_id = 'website'; protected $is_cron = FALSE; protected $is_direct_link = FALSE; protected $is_api = FALSE; protected $is_callback = FALSE; protected $action = 'remove_line_from_cart'; protected $path = NULL; protected $object_id = NULL; protected $handled = NULL; protected $message = NULL; protected $message_type = NULL; protected $button = NULL; protected $link = NULL; protected $result = TRUE; protected $context = class ws_context { protected $attached_to = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $parent = NULL; protected $language = NULL; protected $package = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $app = NULL; protected $ext = NULL; protected $page = NULL; protected $theme = class redteam_avant_theme { ... }; protected $values = NULL; protected $context = ...; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... } }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { protected $emergency_reload = FALSE; protected $site_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix'; protected $site_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $site_name = 'Innomatix'; protected $htdocs_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/'; protected $htdocs_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $local = FALSE; protected $https = TRUE; protected $maintenance = FALSE; protected $server = NULL; protected $new_install = FALSE; protected $config = [...]; protected $dev = FALSE; protected $test = FALSE; protected $prod = NULL; protected $timezone = 'Europe/Paris'; protected $security_manager = class ws_security_manager { ... }; protected $security_shield = class ws_security_shield { ... }; protected $state = [...]; protected $customization_folder_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/customization/default'; protected $customization_infos = FALSE; protected $log_manager = NULL; protected $logs_folder_path = NULL; protected $logs_account_id = NULL; protected $logs_storage_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/logs/sql/2024-07-27.sql'; protected $logs_storage_comment = 'ACCOUNT 1'; protected $temp_files_manager = NULL; protected $temp_files_folder_path = NULL; protected $temp_files = NULL; protected $temp_folders = NULL; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $home_page_name = NULL; protected $backoffice_page = NULL; protected $backoffice_page_name = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $storage_context = NULL; protected $storage_extension = class ws_storage_main_extension { ... }; protected $storage_changes_logger = class ws_storage_changes_logger { ... }; protected $is_master_account = NULL; protected $master_account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $parent_account = NULL; protected $account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $has_subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $subsidiary_push = 1; protected $default_subsidiary_id = NULL; protected $profile = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $contact = NULL; protected $contact_can_connect = NULL; protected $guest_can_connect = NULL; protected $contact_linked_to_user = FALSE; protected $user_linked_to_contact = FALSE; protected $connected_user_infos_path = NULL; protected $single_sign_on_manager = NULL; protected $cached_data = [...]; protected $cache_manager = class ws_cache_manager { ... }; protected $query = ...; protected $is_cron = FALSE; protected $session = class ws_session { ... }; protected $language = 'fr_FR'; protected $applications_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/applications/'; protected $applications = [...]; protected $app = NULL; protected $extensions_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/extensions/'; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $modules = [...]; protected $themes_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/themes/'; protected $themes_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com/themes/'; protected $themes = NULL; protected $theme = class redteam_avant_theme { ... }; protected $features = NULL; protected $features_sections = NULL; protected $needs = NULL; protected $needed_features = NULL; protected $is_admin_page = FALSE; protected $has_search_page = TRUE; protected $favicon_url = NULL; protected $services_manager = NULL; protected $services = NULL; protected $services_by_id = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service_data = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service_data = NULL; protected $enum_providers = NULL; protected $hooks = [...]; protected $shortcodes_templates = NULL; protected $current_region = NULL; protected $current_country = NULL; protected $current_gender = NULL; protected $files_manager = NULL; protected $public_files_manager = NULL; protected $api_manager = NULL; protected $stats_manager = NULL; protected $markdown_parser = NULL; protected $mailer = NULL; protected $email_templates_manager = NULL; protected $sms_sender = NULL; protected $credits_manager = NULL; protected $credit_wallet = NULL; protected $master_credit_wallet = NULL; protected $dissemination_manager = NULL; protected $actions_manager = NULL; protected $subscriptions_manager = NULL; protected $contacts_assets_manager = NULL; protected $tasks_manager = NULL; protected $automation_manager = NULL; protected $validation_manager = NULL; protected $process_manager = NULL; protected $object_process_manager = NULL; protected $queues_manager = NULL; protected $system_events_manager = NULL; protected $system_status_manager = NULL; protected $runtime = ...; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $html_generator = class rest_html_generator { ... }; protected $rest_runtime = class rest_runtime { ... }; protected $rest_storage = class rest_mysql_storage { ... }; protected $root_object = class rest_root_object { ... }; protected $listeners = NULL; protected $transaction = FALSE; protected $transaction_depth = 0; protected $transaction_rolled_back = FALSE; protected $debug = FALSE } } ).../ws_runtime.class.php:6634
50.053544211256website_addona_application->new_page( $page = 'site/1/version/1/page/cart' ).../ws_module.class.php:312
60.055044248968website_site->handle_query( $webpage = class website_page { protected $app = NULL; protected $site = class website_site { protected $app = class website_addona_application { ... }; protected $template = NULL; protected $menu_items = NULL; protected $versions = NULL; protected $production_version = NULL; protected $development_version = NULL; protected $current_version = class website_site_version { ... }; protected $is_hosted = NULL; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $search_result_page = NULL; protected $login_page = NULL; protected $logout_page = NULL; protected $registration_page = NULL; protected $forgotten_password_page = NULL; protected $reset_password_page = NULL; protected $account_page = NULL; protected $legal_notice_page = NULL; protected $terms_of_use_page = NULL; protected $cookies_policy_page = NULL; protected $privacy_policy_page = NULL; protected $cart_page = NULL; protected $purchase_account_page = NULL; protected $purchase_addresses_page = NULL; protected $purchase_order_page = NULL; protected $purchase_payment_page = NULL; protected $conditions_of_sales_page = NULL; protected $payment_ok_page = NULL; protected $payment_canceled_page = NULL; protected $payment_refused_page = NULL; protected $user_orders_page = NULL; protected $user_order_detail_page = NULL; protected $page_not_found = NULL; protected $sales_rate = NULL; protected $orders_document_type = NULL; protected $order_to_invoice = NULL; protected $bank_account = NULL; protected $mean_of_payment = NULL; protected $query = class website_site_query { ... }; protected $session = class website_site_session { ... }; protected $session_cart = NULL; protected $forms = NULL; protected $current_user = NULL; protected $current_contact = NULL; protected $entity = 'websites.sites'; protected $model = class website_site_object_model { ... }; protected $root_path = NULL; protected $path = 'web_sites/1'; protected $data = [...]; protected $account = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $created_by = NULL; protected $created_by_contact = NULL; protected $modified_by = NULL; protected $modified_by_contact = NULL; protected $archived_by = NULL; protected $archived_by_contact = NULL; protected $revision_loaded = FALSE; protected $revision_object = NULL; protected $image_path = NULL; protected $image_url = NULL; protected $files = NULL; protected $images = NULL; protected $notes = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL; protected $public_files_root = NULL; protected $public_files_paths = NULL }; protected $version = class website_site_version { protected $app = NULL; protected $site = class website_site { ... }; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $template = NULL; protected $menu_items = NULL; protected $attached_to_object = NULL; protected $entity = 'websites.site.versions'; protected $model = class website_site_version_object_model { ... }; protected $root_path = NULL; protected $path = 'web_site_versions/1'; protected $data = [...]; protected $account = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $created_by = NULL; protected $created_by_contact = NULL; protected $modified_by = NULL; protected $modified_by_contact = NULL; protected $archived_by = NULL; protected $archived_by_contact = NULL; protected $revision_loaded = FALSE; protected $revision_object = NULL; protected $image_path = NULL; protected $image_url = NULL; protected $files = NULL; protected $images = NULL; protected $notes = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $model_page = NULL; protected $based_on_pages = NULL; protected $login_page = NULL; protected $scanning = FALSE; protected $options = NULL; protected $parent_page = NULL; protected $children = NULL; protected $params = NULL; protected $templates = NULL; protected $page_cache = NULL; protected $attached_to_object = class website_site_version { protected $app = NULL; protected $site = class website_site { ... }; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $template = NULL; protected $menu_items = NULL; protected $attached_to_object = NULL; protected $entity = 'websites.site.versions'; protected $model = class website_site_version_object_model { ... }; protected $root_path = NULL; protected $path = 'web_site_versions/1'; protected $data = [...]; protected $account = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $created_by = NULL; protected $created_by_contact = NULL; protected $modified_by = NULL; protected $modified_by_contact = NULL; protected $archived_by = NULL; protected $archived_by_contact = NULL; protected $revision_loaded = FALSE; protected $revision_object = NULL; protected $image_path = NULL; protected $image_url = NULL; protected $files = NULL; protected $images = NULL; protected $notes = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $entity = 'websites.site.pages'; protected $model = class website_page_object_model { protected $runtime = class rest_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class rest_mysql_storage { ... }; protected $entity = 'websites.site.pages'; protected $root = 'web_site_pages'; protected $properties = [...]; protected $enums = NULL; protected $enums_by_id = NULL; protected $enums_by_value = NULL; public $data = [...] }; protected $root_path = NULL; protected $path = 'web_site_pages/9'; protected $data = ['id' => '9', 'uid' => '5849d9bf39a511.69150536', 'account' => '1', 'subsidiary' => '0', 'user' => '0', 'created_by' => '1', 'created_by_contact' => NULL, 'creation_date' => '2016-12-08 23:07:59', 'modified_by' => '1', 'modified_by_contact' => '0', 'modification_date' => '2021-12-20 16:37:00', 'archived' => '0', 'archived_by' => NULL, 'archived_by_contact' => NULL, 'archiving_date' => NULL, 'deleted' => '0', 'deleted_by' => NULL, 'deleted_by_contact' => NULL, 'deletion_date' => NULL, 'name' => 'Panier', 'attachment_entity' => 'websites.site.versions', 'attachment_id' => '1', 'is_model' => '0', 'model' => '23', 'parent' => '1', 'ref' => 'cart', 'permalink' => 'cart', 'class' => NULL, 'title' => '', 'has_entity' => '0', 'entity' => '', 'author' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'description' => '', 'access' => 'always', 'login' => '0', 'login_page' => '0', 'login_message' => NULL, 'styles' => '', 'params' => '', '*' => NULL, 'logout' => NULL]; protected $account = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $created_by = NULL; protected $created_by_contact = NULL; protected $modified_by = NULL; protected $modified_by_contact = NULL; protected $archived_by = NULL; protected $archived_by_contact = NULL; protected $revision_loaded = FALSE; protected $revision_object = NULL; protected $image_path = NULL; protected $image_url = NULL; protected $files = NULL; protected $images = NULL; protected $notes = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { protected $attached_to = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $parent = NULL; protected $language = NULL; protected $package = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $app = NULL; protected $ext = NULL; protected $page = NULL; protected $theme = class redteam_avant_theme { ... }; protected $values = NULL; protected $context = ...; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... } }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { protected $emergency_reload = FALSE; protected $site_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix'; protected $site_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $site_name = 'Innomatix'; protected $htdocs_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/'; protected $htdocs_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $local = FALSE; protected $https = TRUE; protected $maintenance = FALSE; protected $server = NULL; protected $new_install = FALSE; protected $config = [...]; protected $dev = FALSE; protected $test = FALSE; protected $prod = NULL; protected $timezone = 'Europe/Paris'; protected $security_manager = class ws_security_manager { ... }; protected $security_shield = class ws_security_shield { ... }; protected $state = [...]; protected $customization_folder_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/customization/default'; protected $customization_infos = FALSE; protected $log_manager = NULL; protected $logs_folder_path = NULL; protected $logs_account_id = NULL; protected $logs_storage_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/logs/sql/2024-07-27.sql'; protected $logs_storage_comment = 'ACCOUNT 1'; protected $temp_files_manager = NULL; protected $temp_files_folder_path = NULL; protected $temp_files = NULL; protected $temp_folders = NULL; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $home_page_name = NULL; protected $backoffice_page = NULL; protected $backoffice_page_name = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $storage_context = NULL; protected $storage_extension = class ws_storage_main_extension { ... }; protected $storage_changes_logger = class ws_storage_changes_logger { ... }; protected $is_master_account = NULL; protected $master_account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $parent_account = NULL; protected $account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $has_subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $subsidiary_push = 1; protected $default_subsidiary_id = NULL; protected $profile = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $contact = NULL; protected $contact_can_connect = NULL; protected $guest_can_connect = NULL; protected $contact_linked_to_user = FALSE; protected $user_linked_to_contact = FALSE; protected $connected_user_infos_path = NULL; protected $single_sign_on_manager = NULL; protected $cached_data = [...]; protected $cache_manager = class ws_cache_manager { ... }; protected $query = class ws_query { ... }; protected $is_cron = FALSE; protected $session = class ws_session { ... }; protected $language = 'fr_FR'; protected $applications_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/applications/'; protected $applications = [...]; protected $app = NULL; protected $extensions_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/extensions/'; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $modules = [...]; protected $themes_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/themes/'; protected $themes_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com/themes/'; protected $themes = NULL; protected $theme = class redteam_avant_theme { ... }; protected $features = NULL; protected $features_sections = NULL; protected $needs = NULL; protected $needed_features = NULL; protected $is_admin_page = FALSE; protected $has_search_page = TRUE; protected $favicon_url = NULL; protected $services_manager = NULL; protected $services = NULL; protected $services_by_id = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service_data = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service_data = NULL; protected $enum_providers = NULL; protected $hooks = [...]; protected $shortcodes_templates = NULL; protected $current_region = NULL; protected $current_country = NULL; protected $current_gender = NULL; protected $files_manager = NULL; protected $public_files_manager = NULL; protected $api_manager = NULL; protected $stats_manager = NULL; protected $markdown_parser = NULL; protected $mailer = NULL; protected $email_templates_manager = NULL; protected $sms_sender = NULL; protected $credits_manager = NULL; protected $credit_wallet = NULL; protected $master_credit_wallet = NULL; protected $dissemination_manager = NULL; protected $actions_manager = NULL; protected $subscriptions_manager = NULL; protected $contacts_assets_manager = NULL; protected $tasks_manager = NULL; protected $automation_manager = NULL; protected $validation_manager = NULL; protected $process_manager = NULL; protected $object_process_manager = NULL; protected $queues_manager = NULL; protected $system_events_manager = NULL; protected $system_status_manager = NULL; protected $runtime = ...; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $html_generator = class rest_html_generator { ... }; protected $rest_runtime = class rest_runtime { ... }; protected $rest_storage = class rest_mysql_storage { ... }; protected $root_object = class rest_root_object { ... }; protected $listeners = NULL; protected $transaction = FALSE; protected $transaction_depth = 0; protected $transaction_rolled_back = FALSE; protected $debug = FALSE }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL } ).../application.php:214
70.055144306624website_site_query->handle_query( $webpage = class website_page { protected $app = NULL; protected $site = class website_site { protected $app = class website_addona_application { ... }; protected $template = NULL; protected $menu_items = NULL; protected $versions = NULL; protected $production_version = NULL; protected $development_version = NULL; protected $current_version = class website_site_version { ... }; protected $is_hosted = NULL; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $search_result_page = NULL; protected $login_page = NULL; protected $logout_page = NULL; protected $registration_page = NULL; protected $forgotten_password_page = NULL; protected $reset_password_page = NULL; protected $account_page = NULL; protected $legal_notice_page = NULL; protected $terms_of_use_page = NULL; protected $cookies_policy_page = NULL; protected $privacy_policy_page = NULL; protected $cart_page = NULL; protected $purchase_account_page = NULL; protected $purchase_addresses_page = NULL; protected $purchase_order_page = NULL; protected $purchase_payment_page = NULL; protected $conditions_of_sales_page = NULL; protected $payment_ok_page = NULL; protected $payment_canceled_page = NULL; protected $payment_refused_page = NULL; protected $user_orders_page = NULL; protected $user_order_detail_page = NULL; protected $page_not_found = NULL; protected $sales_rate = NULL; protected $orders_document_type = NULL; protected $order_to_invoice = NULL; protected $bank_account = NULL; protected $mean_of_payment = NULL; protected $query = class website_site_query { ... }; protected $session = class website_site_session { ... }; protected $session_cart = NULL; protected $forms = NULL; protected $current_user = NULL; protected $current_contact = NULL; protected $entity = 'websites.sites'; protected $model = class website_site_object_model { ... }; protected $root_path = NULL; protected $path = 'web_sites/1'; protected $data = [...]; protected $account = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $created_by = NULL; protected $created_by_contact = NULL; protected $modified_by = NULL; protected $modified_by_contact = NULL; protected $archived_by = NULL; protected $archived_by_contact = NULL; protected $revision_loaded = FALSE; protected $revision_object = NULL; protected $image_path = NULL; protected $image_url = NULL; protected $files = NULL; protected $images = NULL; protected $notes = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL; protected $public_files_root = NULL; protected $public_files_paths = NULL }; protected $version = class website_site_version { protected $app = NULL; protected $site = class website_site { ... }; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $template = NULL; protected $menu_items = NULL; protected $attached_to_object = NULL; protected $entity = 'websites.site.versions'; protected $model = class website_site_version_object_model { ... }; protected $root_path = NULL; protected $path = 'web_site_versions/1'; protected $data = [...]; protected $account = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $created_by = NULL; protected $created_by_contact = NULL; protected $modified_by = NULL; protected $modified_by_contact = NULL; protected $archived_by = NULL; protected $archived_by_contact = NULL; protected $revision_loaded = FALSE; protected $revision_object = NULL; protected $image_path = NULL; protected $image_url = NULL; protected $files = NULL; protected $images = NULL; protected $notes = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $model_page = NULL; protected $based_on_pages = NULL; protected $login_page = NULL; protected $scanning = FALSE; 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protected $image_url = NULL; protected $files = NULL; protected $images = NULL; protected $notes = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $entity = 'websites.site.pages'; protected $model = class website_page_object_model { protected $runtime = class rest_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class rest_mysql_storage { ... }; protected $entity = 'websites.site.pages'; protected $root = 'web_site_pages'; protected $properties = [...]; protected $enums = NULL; protected $enums_by_id = NULL; protected $enums_by_value = NULL; public $data = [...] }; protected $root_path = NULL; protected $path = 'web_site_pages/9'; protected $data = ['id' => '9', 'uid' => '5849d9bf39a511.69150536', 'account' => '1', 'subsidiary' => '0', 'user' => '0', 'created_by' => '1', 'created_by_contact' => NULL, 'creation_date' => '2016-12-08 23:07:59', 'modified_by' => '1', 'modified_by_contact' => '0', 'modification_date' => '2021-12-20 16:37:00', 'archived' => '0', 'archived_by' => NULL, 'archived_by_contact' => NULL, 'archiving_date' => NULL, 'deleted' => '0', 'deleted_by' => NULL, 'deleted_by_contact' => NULL, 'deletion_date' => NULL, 'name' => 'Panier', 'attachment_entity' => 'websites.site.versions', 'attachment_id' => '1', 'is_model' => '0', 'model' => '23', 'parent' => '1', 'ref' => 'cart', 'permalink' => 'cart', 'class' => NULL, 'title' => '', 'has_entity' => '0', 'entity' => '', 'author' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'description' => '', 'access' => 'always', 'login' => '0', 'login_page' => '0', 'login_message' => NULL, 'styles' => '', 'params' => '', '*' => NULL, 'logout' => NULL]; protected $account = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $created_by = NULL; protected $created_by_contact = NULL; protected $modified_by = NULL; protected $modified_by_contact = NULL; protected $archived_by = NULL; protected $archived_by_contact = NULL; protected $revision_loaded = FALSE; protected $revision_object = NULL; protected $image_path = NULL; protected $image_url = NULL; protected $files = NULL; protected $images = NULL; protected $notes = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { protected $attached_to = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $parent = NULL; protected $language = NULL; protected $package = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $app = NULL; protected $ext = NULL; protected $page = NULL; protected $theme = class redteam_avant_theme { ... }; protected $values = NULL; protected $context = ...; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... } }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { protected $emergency_reload = FALSE; protected $site_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix'; protected $site_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $site_name = 'Innomatix'; protected $htdocs_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/'; protected $htdocs_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $local = FALSE; protected $https = TRUE; protected $maintenance = FALSE; protected $server = NULL; protected $new_install = FALSE; protected $config = [...]; protected $dev = FALSE; protected $test = FALSE; protected $prod = NULL; protected $timezone = 'Europe/Paris'; protected $security_manager = class ws_security_manager { ... }; protected $security_shield = class ws_security_shield { ... }; protected $state = [...]; protected $customization_folder_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/customization/default'; protected $customization_infos = FALSE; protected $log_manager = NULL; protected $logs_folder_path = NULL; protected $logs_account_id = NULL; protected $logs_storage_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/logs/sql/2024-07-27.sql'; protected $logs_storage_comment = 'ACCOUNT 1'; protected $temp_files_manager = NULL; protected $temp_files_folder_path = NULL; protected $temp_files = NULL; protected $temp_folders = NULL; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $home_page_name = NULL; protected $backoffice_page = NULL; protected $backoffice_page_name = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $storage_context = NULL; protected $storage_extension = class ws_storage_main_extension { ... }; protected $storage_changes_logger = class ws_storage_changes_logger { ... }; protected $is_master_account = NULL; protected $master_account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $parent_account = NULL; protected $account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $has_subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $subsidiary_push = 1; protected $default_subsidiary_id = NULL; protected $profile = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $contact = NULL; protected $contact_can_connect = NULL; protected $guest_can_connect = NULL; protected $contact_linked_to_user = FALSE; protected $user_linked_to_contact = FALSE; protected $connected_user_infos_path = NULL; protected $single_sign_on_manager = NULL; protected $cached_data = [...]; protected $cache_manager = class ws_cache_manager { ... }; protected $query = class ws_query { ... }; protected $is_cron = FALSE; protected $session = class ws_session { ... }; protected $language = 'fr_FR'; protected $applications_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/applications/'; protected $applications = [...]; protected $app = NULL; protected $extensions_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/extensions/'; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $modules = [...]; 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protected $api_manager = NULL; protected $stats_manager = NULL; protected $markdown_parser = NULL; protected $mailer = NULL; protected $email_templates_manager = NULL; protected $sms_sender = NULL; protected $credits_manager = NULL; protected $credit_wallet = NULL; protected $master_credit_wallet = NULL; protected $dissemination_manager = NULL; protected $actions_manager = NULL; protected $subscriptions_manager = NULL; protected $contacts_assets_manager = NULL; protected $tasks_manager = NULL; protected $automation_manager = NULL; protected $validation_manager = NULL; protected $process_manager = NULL; protected $object_process_manager = NULL; protected $queues_manager = NULL; protected $system_events_manager = NULL; protected $system_status_manager = NULL; protected $runtime = ...; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $html_generator = class rest_html_generator { ... }; protected $rest_runtime = class rest_runtime { ... }; protected $rest_storage = class rest_mysql_storage { ... }; protected $root_object = class rest_root_object { ... }; protected $listeners = NULL; protected $transaction = FALSE; protected $transaction_depth = 0; protected $transaction_rolled_back = FALSE; protected $debug = FALSE }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL } ).../website_site.class.php:1181
80.055144306664website_site_query->remove_line_from_cart( $webpage = class website_page { protected $app = NULL; protected $site = class website_site { protected $app = class website_addona_application { ... }; protected $template = NULL; protected $menu_items = NULL; protected $versions = NULL; protected $production_version = NULL; protected $development_version = NULL; protected $current_version = class website_site_version { ... }; protected $is_hosted = NULL; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $search_result_page = NULL; protected $login_page = NULL; protected $logout_page = NULL; protected $registration_page = NULL; protected $forgotten_password_page = NULL; protected $reset_password_page = NULL; protected $account_page = NULL; protected $legal_notice_page = NULL; protected $terms_of_use_page = NULL; protected $cookies_policy_page = NULL; protected $privacy_policy_page = NULL; protected $cart_page = NULL; protected $purchase_account_page = NULL; protected $purchase_addresses_page = NULL; 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protected $image_url = NULL; protected $files = NULL; protected $images = NULL; protected $notes = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $entity = 'websites.site.pages'; protected $model = class website_page_object_model { protected $runtime = class rest_runtime { ... }; protected $storage = class rest_mysql_storage { ... }; protected $entity = 'websites.site.pages'; protected $root = 'web_site_pages'; protected $properties = [...]; protected $enums = NULL; protected $enums_by_id = NULL; protected $enums_by_value = NULL; public $data = [...] }; protected $root_path = NULL; protected $path = 'web_site_pages/9'; protected $data = ['id' => '9', 'uid' => '5849d9bf39a511.69150536', 'account' => '1', 'subsidiary' => '0', 'user' => '0', 'created_by' => '1', 'created_by_contact' => NULL, 'creation_date' => '2016-12-08 23:07:59', 'modified_by' => '1', 'modified_by_contact' => '0', 'modification_date' => '2021-12-20 16:37:00', 'archived' => '0', 'archived_by' => NULL, 'archived_by_contact' => NULL, 'archiving_date' => NULL, 'deleted' => '0', 'deleted_by' => NULL, 'deleted_by_contact' => NULL, 'deletion_date' => NULL, 'name' => 'Panier', 'attachment_entity' => 'websites.site.versions', 'attachment_id' => '1', 'is_model' => '0', 'model' => '23', 'parent' => '1', 'ref' => 'cart', 'permalink' => 'cart', 'class' => NULL, 'title' => '', 'has_entity' => '0', 'entity' => '', 'author' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'description' => '', 'access' => 'always', 'login' => '0', 'login_page' => '0', 'login_message' => NULL, 'styles' => '', 'params' => '', '*' => NULL, 'logout' => NULL]; 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protected $site_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix'; protected $site_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $site_name = 'Innomatix'; protected $htdocs_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/'; protected $htdocs_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com'; protected $local = FALSE; protected $https = TRUE; protected $maintenance = FALSE; protected $server = NULL; protected $new_install = FALSE; protected $config = [...]; protected $dev = FALSE; protected $test = FALSE; protected $prod = NULL; protected $timezone = 'Europe/Paris'; protected $security_manager = class ws_security_manager { ... }; protected $security_shield = class ws_security_shield { ... }; protected $state = [...]; protected $customization_folder_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/customization/default'; protected $customization_infos = FALSE; protected $log_manager = NULL; protected $logs_folder_path = NULL; protected $logs_account_id = NULL; protected $logs_storage_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/logs/sql/2024-07-27.sql'; protected $logs_storage_comment = 'ACCOUNT 1'; protected $temp_files_manager = NULL; protected $temp_files_folder_path = NULL; protected $temp_files = NULL; protected $temp_folders = NULL; protected $home_page = NULL; protected $home_page_name = NULL; protected $backoffice_page = NULL; protected $backoffice_page_name = NULL; protected $context = class ws_context { ... }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { ... }; protected $storage_context = NULL; protected $storage_extension = class ws_storage_main_extension { ... }; protected $storage_changes_logger = class ws_storage_changes_logger { ... }; protected $is_master_account = NULL; protected $master_account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $parent_account = NULL; protected $account = class ws_account { ... }; protected $has_subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiaries = NULL; protected $subsidiary = NULL; protected $subsidiary_push = 1; protected $default_subsidiary_id = NULL; protected $profile = NULL; protected $user = NULL; protected $contact = NULL; protected $contact_can_connect = NULL; protected $guest_can_connect = NULL; protected $contact_linked_to_user = FALSE; protected $user_linked_to_contact = FALSE; protected $connected_user_infos_path = NULL; protected $single_sign_on_manager = NULL; protected $cached_data = [...]; protected $cache_manager = class ws_cache_manager { ... }; protected $query = class ws_query { ... }; protected $is_cron = FALSE; protected $session = class ws_session { ... }; protected $language = 'fr_FR'; protected $applications_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/applications/'; protected $applications = [...]; protected $app = NULL; protected $extensions_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/extensions/'; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $modules = [...]; protected $themes_path = '/var/www/vhosts/workspace-solution.com/ws_solutions/innomatix/htdocs/themes/'; protected $themes_url = 'https://innomatix.workspace-solution.com/themes/'; protected $themes = NULL; protected $theme = class redteam_avant_theme { ... }; protected $features = NULL; protected $features_sections = NULL; protected $needs = NULL; protected $needed_features = NULL; protected $is_admin_page = FALSE; protected $has_search_page = TRUE; protected $favicon_url = NULL; protected $services_manager = NULL; protected $services = NULL; protected $services_by_id = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service = NULL; protected $outgoing_call_service_data = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service = NULL; protected $incoming_calls_service_data = NULL; protected $enum_providers = NULL; protected $hooks = [...]; protected $shortcodes_templates = NULL; protected $current_region = NULL; protected $current_country = NULL; protected $current_gender = NULL; protected $files_manager = NULL; protected $public_files_manager = NULL; protected $api_manager = NULL; protected $stats_manager = NULL; protected $markdown_parser = NULL; protected $mailer = NULL; protected $email_templates_manager = NULL; protected $sms_sender = NULL; protected $credits_manager = NULL; protected $credit_wallet = NULL; protected $master_credit_wallet = NULL; protected $dissemination_manager = NULL; protected $actions_manager = NULL; protected $subscriptions_manager = NULL; protected $contacts_assets_manager = NULL; protected $tasks_manager = NULL; protected $automation_manager = NULL; protected $validation_manager = NULL; protected $process_manager = NULL; protected $object_process_manager = NULL; protected $queues_manager = NULL; protected $system_events_manager = NULL; protected $system_status_manager = NULL; protected $runtime = ...; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL }; protected $storage = class ws_storage { protected $runtime = class ws_runtime { ... }; protected $html_generator = class rest_html_generator { ... }; protected $rest_runtime = class rest_runtime { ... }; protected $rest_storage = class rest_mysql_storage { ... }; protected $root_object = class rest_root_object { ... }; protected $listeners = NULL; protected $transaction = FALSE; protected $transaction_depth = 0; protected $transaction_rolled_back = FALSE; protected $debug = FALSE }; protected $shortcode_iterator_objects = NULL; protected $shortcode_iterator_object = NULL } ).../website_site_query.class.php:252
90.055244307064array_splice( $arg = NULL, $offset = '0', $length = 1 ).../website_site_query.class.php:1155


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